All 3 of these things happened this past week....not necessarily in that order. Maybe it's best to start at the beginning.
Monday we had our call with Emily for the "Transition Plan" phone call. It was so informative. So much to think about. I have yet to read all of the articles that she sent me. That afternoon our Referral Packet came via UPS. We were so excited that we went out for Ethiopian that night! (We have been going out for Ethiopian at least once a week for the last 9 or 10 months. I'm a pro at eating it, just not cooking it....yet). Our friends there were so excited for us. We wasted no time at all signing paperwork!
The next morning I sent a text message to my neighbor, friend, Lisa asking her to notarize our documents. She was able to come over that evening. What a blessing she has been to us!!
Wednesday morning on the way to work, I stopped at CVS for some throat lozenges. I frequent this particular CVS, so when the A.M. employee sees me, we usually exchange pleasantries. While I'm cashing out at the register, we start chit-chatting and before I could realize what I was saying, it was coming out of my face: "You want to see a picture of my daughter?" Of course I pushed the pictures in his face before he could even think to respond. I jabbered on, he made a couple of nice comments and I'm off to work. While I was at work I was able to fax the paperwork to our Social Worker that she needed to sign.
Our letter from the International Pediatrician finally arrived on Thursday. That evening I scanned all of the Referral Packet documents for our files.
Friday afternoon during my lunch break, I mailed off the referral packet. As I'm making sure that I'm writing the address down correctly, I looked up at the lady behind the counter and said "You know, that's my daughter." Once again it just came out of my face.
My daughter. It's a phrase that's been 40+ years in the making. At one point in my life I didn't think I would ever have children. This adoption process has been long. For over 18 months, it's just been paperwork, phone calls, interviews, and e-mails. And even though we now have a picture of Baby E it still seems surreal. We're here. She's way over there. We've been preparing our hearts and minds. We've been preparing our house. But she has no clue who we are or what we're about. At what point is she truly my daughter? At the beginning of the process? Officially on the waitlist? Referral acceptance? Seeing her picture? I've wanted this for so many years. Have I wanted it too long? So long that now I don't know how to truly accept it? It's been at arm's length for so long and now she's almost in my arms....just a couple of months away. My daughter. I have to keep saying it over and over again. Get used to saying it and get used to hearing myself say it. My daughter. It's a new concept for me. But I like it. I like it a lot. And now I have a face to go along with the phrase. Everything takes time, huh? And with God's perfect timing, I guess everything will be alright.