Today, March 19, 2013, marks exactly ONE year that our family has been on the waitlist for our 2nd daughter. When we got on the waitlist, we started at #139. Admittedly it was high, but not as high as we thought. Some months there was rapid movement. And more recently, in the last 2 to 3 months, movement has been very slow.
I'm not one to post our waitlist number every month. I just don't feel a need to. Honestly, half the time I can't remember it'll find that out if we're face to face and you ask :-) But the other reason is that life in the Mancini household has just been very busy for the past year - maybe THAT'S why I can't remember :-) And we're expecting this next year of waiting to be equally busy. We've got a lot of positive changes getting ready to happen for our family and we're very excited about it.
Right now we are #87 on the waitlist. We won't get our new number until the end of the month. If you're curious about how we've progressed or want to keep current on our new numbers, check out our timeline.
We are thanking God for movement every month because we know that He is divinely ordering the meeting of our 2nd baby girl :-)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
C4C 2013
Earlier this month I had the wonderful opportunity to attend an adoptive mamas' only 3-day retreat in beautiful Buford, GA called Created for Care. I cannot tell you how excited I was to go to this. Back in August 2012 when I registered, I was like a giddy school girl. When I first heard about it a couple of years ago, I didn't think I would benefit from anything the fact that we had JUST brought Eva home from Ethiopia. Then last year I heard SO MANY positive stories and read such wonderful testimonies that it totally piqued my interest and I decided if at all possible, I HAD to be there this year. Thanks to God and my wonderful hubby, I was able to attend.
One of the mamas who helped create and organize this whole retreat is an AGCI mama. Even though we talked very briefly, I feel a special connection to her because of that. And to the other AGCI mamas that I met. There's an unspoken bond between us. We get each other because of our experience to bring home our precious little ones from Ethiopia.
I had such a BLESSED experience at the retreat that I'm not sure if I can put it all into words. And some of it I don't want to....that's between me and God. I went there with a totally open heart and open mind, ready to change whatever the Holy Spirit prompted me to change.
The first evening, after we checked in, was a worship session. Have you ever heard 450 adoptive mamas in one room singing, praising, and worshiping the Lord? It was a sight to see....truly magnificent! And it was like that for the next 2 days. We ended our days with a worship session.
In between though, there were several mini sessions that went on that had to be chosen prior to attending. Everything that was applicable to the life and experience of an adoptive mama, from sensory issues to marriage issues, from hair issues and family issues to family support and everything in between, there was something for all of us to experience and learn from. We all ate lunch and dinner together and got to meet all kinds of wonderful people, hear tearful testimonies and laugh at funny home life stories.
The weekend can be summed up in just a few words -- DIVINE APPOINTMENT and AWESOME. This retreat has changed me for the better and I'm so glad that I was able to attend and feel such a special bond with so many women.
I am still pondering the thought of writing more posts to talk about some specific experiences, but right now I just don't know. At this very moment I'm feeling very protective of my specific experience and don't want to share too much of it. Maybe as I become more rooted in what God wants me to do and I learn how to do it with ease I'll feel more open to sharing in the months ahead.
I only pray that in a few months when registration rolls around again that I'll be able to sign up Created for Care 2014!!
Monday, February 25, 2013
1,2,3 Birthdays!
This year Eva was so excited for her birthday. For the past year, when asked, she would tell you when her birthday is and how old she'll be. Eva remembered her 2nd birthday party being at the Bounce House. So when I asked that this year if she wanted it again, she squealed with delight.
I was also excited because I wanted to do something special for her as a "big girl." She's really into this princess stuff. So when I asked her if she also wanted a prencess party, all she could say was "Princess Tiana!!" OK. Done deal!!
Her actual birthday is February 4. And for several weeks in January/February, we were in Florida visiting my parents. Eva is always excited to be with her Poppi and Gaia, so she was especially happy to be with them on her actual birthday. :-) It was a regular day for the most part. The night before my mom and I wrapped her birthday gifts and set them out for her to see in the morning. (same thing my Mom used to do for me)
When Eva woke up, it took her about 10 minutes to see her presents. She couldn't open them up fast enough. Bless her heart, she waited for her slow mom to set up the camcorder and get the camera. She spent the next several hours playing with all her cool stuff :-)
John and I had been waiting for her 3rd birthday so that we could witness her first Build-A-Bear experience. She was so overwhelmed by the wall full of bears....and it didn't help that she had no nap by this time of the day. She has such a good time helping to fill her bear with stuffing, give it a heart and a hug. She spent a lot of time giving him a bath and getting him nice and clean. She got to name her bear and get his birth certificate. Introducing....
Afterward, we did a little shopping and headed home. We surprised her with a birthday cake and she joined us in singing to her :-)
When we got back to Ohio a couple of days later, it was time to get ready for the Bounce House and Princess Parties. That Saturday was her Bouce House party. Everyone had such a good time. (Eva was especially excited to see her godparents!) This party was a little bittersweet because I knew this would be Eva's last (Bounce House) party in Ohio. I felt so blessed to see her big brother and sister, cousins and other Ethiopian adopted friends there.
The next day was Eva's Princess party. I wanted her to have something special, just with her little girlfriends. And of course, it had to be Princess Tiana. She LOVES Princess and The Frog :-) She so enjoyed wearing her Tiana dress and being the birthday princess of the day. Quite a few of her friends had gotten sick just a couple of days before her party :-( So there weren't many girls there, but the kids had a good time all the same!

Make no mistake......this is NOT the beginning of multiple parties based on age!! Haha. Next year, there will be just 1 party. Happy Birthday Baby!!
I was also excited because I wanted to do something special for her as a "big girl." She's really into this princess stuff. So when I asked her if she also wanted a prencess party, all she could say was "Princess Tiana!!" OK. Done deal!!
Her actual birthday is February 4. And for several weeks in January/February, we were in Florida visiting my parents. Eva is always excited to be with her Poppi and Gaia, so she was especially happy to be with them on her actual birthday. :-) It was a regular day for the most part. The night before my mom and I wrapped her birthday gifts and set them out for her to see in the morning. (same thing my Mom used to do for me)
When Eva woke up, it took her about 10 minutes to see her presents. She couldn't open them up fast enough. Bless her heart, she waited for her slow mom to set up the camcorder and get the camera. She spent the next several hours playing with all her cool stuff :-)
John and I had been waiting for her 3rd birthday so that we could witness her first Build-A-Bear experience. She was so overwhelmed by the wall full of bears....and it didn't help that she had no nap by this time of the day. She has such a good time helping to fill her bear with stuffing, give it a heart and a hug. She spent a lot of time giving him a bath and getting him nice and clean. She got to name her bear and get his birth certificate. Introducing....
Pirate Bear
Afterward, we did a little shopping and headed home. We surprised her with a birthday cake and she joined us in singing to her :-)
When we got back to Ohio a couple of days later, it was time to get ready for the Bounce House and Princess Parties. That Saturday was her Bouce House party. Everyone had such a good time. (Eva was especially excited to see her godparents!) This party was a little bittersweet because I knew this would be Eva's last (Bounce House) party in Ohio. I felt so blessed to see her big brother and sister, cousins and other Ethiopian adopted friends there.
The next day was Eva's Princess party. I wanted her to have something special, just with her little girlfriends. And of course, it had to be Princess Tiana. She LOVES Princess and The Frog :-) She so enjoyed wearing her Tiana dress and being the birthday princess of the day. Quite a few of her friends had gotten sick just a couple of days before her party :-( So there weren't many girls there, but the kids had a good time all the same!
Make no mistake......this is NOT the beginning of multiple parties based on age!! Haha. Next year, there will be just 1 party. Happy Birthday Baby!!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
To My 3-Year-Old
Dear Eva,
Oh My! Where has the time gone to? I mean, really! You are officially 3 years old. I can remember, just like it was yesterday, when Mama and Daddy flew to Ethiopia for the first time to meet you. It was just a few days before your first birthday. We tried to celebrate the best way we knew; we got you a cute outfit and Daddy brought you a Hostess cupcake. He just KNEW that you would take to the sweet, sugary taste of it. Wrong!! You wanted nothing to do with it or us. You scraped that cupcake right off your tongue and cried the whole time.
Fast forward 2 years: I can hardly believe you are that same little one that we held back in Ethiopia. Where do I begin to talk about how amazingly fabulous you are? You are so smart and determined and independent. Your personality is like a bright light that shines in a room. All anyone has to do is be in a room with you for 10 minutes and they can see your energy, attitude, and spunk! Your beauty truly radiates from the inside out.
So what are you into lately? You still like Doc McStuffins, but lately you’re all about Tiana and the Princess and the Frog. You can recite practically the whole story, and when I try to help, you tell me I’m wrong and correct me. You still like the color purple, but every so often you’ll choose the color blue also. You still love to eat. You’re always hungry!! And now candy is assumed to be one of the main meals of the day. When we go out to eat Ethiopian, you know that’s where to get injera…and you love it!
I don’t know where to begin on describing how smart you are. You hear every conversation going on around you and know right where to chime in. You can retell something that has happened weeks ago….with all of the drama and hand gestures as if it had just happened. You are such a whiz with your colors and numbers and everything. You are the one who says the blessing at dinner, and at bedtime you say the prayer all by yourself. You amaze me. Should a 3 year old know this much?
Fashion! Can we talk about fashion for a minute? What a little fashion plate you are. You want things to, jewelry, hair accessories. You’re not into purses yet, but I know when that time comes, that will become part of the fashion as well. You are quick to remind me that crocs are not shoes and flip-flops are not sandals.
For all the things that I’ve tried to show you, teach you, discipline you in, it is only a speck to what God has done. God has truly done an awesome work in you and He’s not done yet. I can only be excited with anticipation about all of the things that you will learn in this next year. What will I need to teach you? What will you need to teach me? Will we both learn what we need to? Will one of us be more stubborn than the other? We’re so alike, you and I, in so many ways. I thank God everyday for the grace that He gives me for the challenges that we face. You are my precious girl. My big girl. My girl.
I love you always and always,
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Our 2012 Year in Review
It really is hard to believe that we're in 2013 now. Last night as the ball dropped John and I were still groggy from waking up 5 minutes earlier. There was no champagne, no wine. We barely cheered. Hahaha! All we wanted to do was go back to sleep. The year before was so different. What a difference a year makes, huh?
Looking back on this year, I realize how much Eva has grown and how God has blessed the important life decisions we've made concerning our family. So far everything is going very smoothly which lets me know that God's divine hands are involved. This is how the year of 2012 fared for the Mancini family:
We also went to Glazer Children's Museum and the Aquarium. Eva met new family members and fell in love. We were blessed to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, and very thankful that John passed his Florida State Exam to be able to work as a police officer in the state.
December - While this was not Eva's first Christmas with us as a family, it was her first Christmas in our hometown. She enjoyed every aspect of the season: the snow, watching it fall, helping her dad, grandfather and uncle build a snowman, make snow angels, and have a few snowball fights. It was a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
I pray that in 2013, God continues to bless us and move us all in His direction as a family. Happy New Year!!
Looking back on this year, I realize how much Eva has grown and how God has blessed the important life decisions we've made concerning our family. So far everything is going very smoothly which lets me know that God's divine hands are involved. This is how the year of 2012 fared for the Mancini family:
January - Eva's first experience of snow.
February - Eva's dedication
and her 2nd birthday
March - Celebrating Eva being home for 1 year!
April - Eva's first church Easter egg hunt.
May - Eva met her uncle for the 1st time & she and I spent a month in Florida with her grandparents.
During this month, we also came to the realization that it would be possible for John to retire from his job
and for us to move to Florida by June 2013.
June - A wonderful unexpected opportunity afforded us the ability to go to Bermuda and stay with family for 10 days. Eva got to see old family members, meet new family members, and swim in the ocean for the first time.
July - Eva got her first face painting picture.
This month we were able to go back to Florida to see my parents, celebrate my birthday
and our 9th wedding anniversary!
August - A very busy month: We went to our first and last Ohio State fair. Eva tried cotton candy and other yummy fair junk food! We went to Cincinnati to attend an AGCI adoption picnic. The weather was sweltering. We felt like we were melting out there. This month was also Eva's last month of Mommy & Me classes. She started potty training. Also....
She started her 1st ballet class.
We went apple picking for our favorite Honeycrisp apples!
September - We celebrated 2 very important Ethiopian holidays: Enkutatash -
Ethiopian New Year and....
Meskel - The Finding of the Cross
Also this month, I started homeschooling Eva and she started a 1-day/week preschool class.
Also this month, I started homeschooling Eva and she started a 1-day/week preschool class.
October - This was an equally busy month:
It started out with the 1st annual EOR (Ethiopian Orphan Relief) 5K run.
Eva's 1st time going to a pumpkin patch and picking her pumpkins.
This year we went to Boo at the Zoo AND trick-or-treating!
While all of this activity was going on, I was busy packing us up for our month long business/vacation for November. For 2 weeks we stayed in a condo, so I had to pack up a mini household. That proved to be NOT an easy thing!
November - We were in Tampa so that John could attend a 2-week law
enforcement certification course. This was a MAJOR step towards our move
to Florida in the summer of 2013. While we were in Tampa, Eva and I did
a lot of really cool things: We went to the zoo and Eva....
Rode a horse for the first time.....
And rode a camel for the first time!
She even fed a giraffe!!
We also went to Glazer Children's Museum and the Aquarium. Eva met new family members and fell in love. We were blessed to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, and very thankful that John passed his Florida State Exam to be able to work as a police officer in the state.
December - While this was not Eva's first Christmas with us as a family, it was her first Christmas in our hometown. She enjoyed every aspect of the season: the snow, watching it fall, helping her dad, grandfather and uncle build a snowman, make snow angels, and have a few snowball fights. It was a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
I pray that in 2013, God continues to bless us and move us all in His direction as a family. Happy New Year!!
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