Every year since I was about 4 or 5 years old, I have been going to Bermuda to see my family: aunts, uncles & tons of cousins. Unfortunately I never got to know my grandfather or grandmother. I only get to go once a year though. It wasn't long after John and I met before I started prepping him to go to Bermuda, enticing him, luring him. Now, after almost 10 years, he doesn't feel right if we haven't gone to Bermuda to see our peoples. It is truly our second home.
Years ago, when we thought we could have biological children, we took a trip to Babies R Us to see what was new & hip. We came across the Bermuda Collection. We were both so excited that we got the Travel System, Pack-N-Play, and Swing!
For the last almost 4 years, this baby stuff has been in the boxes, sitting in the basement....until.....LAST NIGHT!! I brought the boxes upstairs and my wonderful husband spent the rest of the evening putting everything together...except the swing. Baby E will be too big for it, so it's still in the box in the basement. Here's how it all looks:
That looks like fun! If we get a baby, I'll need to purchase a new stroller system as well. After having been through 4 kids, our other baby stuff is shot!:)