Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eva's 1st Family Vacation - Day 7

Day 7 - July 20, 2011
Full day at sea heading to Boston

Today was our first full day at sea.....Lazy day!! So lazy that after we got dressed and ate breakfast, we came back to the room and took our nap from 11:30 to 1:30. SOOOO OFF OUR SCHEDULE!

Then we ate a little bit of lunch and headed to the sun deck to listen to some music for a while and then walked around the ship from one end to the other. We hung out in the playroom but not for long because Eva was not impressed with the toys Our goal was to get Eva good and tired so that she would be ready for bed after dinner. Well she was certainly tired but wouldn't settle down long enough to go to sleep, so in the stroller she went and John took her to the walking deck to do some laps....A LOT MORE THAN 5!! And wouldn't you know it, just as John is wheeling her down the corridor towards our room, there was so much noise that it woke her up. She finally fell back asleep 40 minutes later.

Good nighty-night!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like ya'll are having a wonderful vacation! I love being "off schedule" on vacation...that what makes it so fun and relaxing! :)
