Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reflection Series - Ethiopia Trip 2

As you have read so far this past year, it's been quite busy in our household now that we are family of 3.

But last year this time, we were only legally a family of 3. Eva was still in Ethiopia at Hannah's Hope (HH) and we were preparing ourselves for the journey back; this time to get Eva and bring her back home with us.

I have to say that when we left for the 2nd trip, I was still anxious, nervous, excited, and restless, but for different reasons; all having to do with Eva and her transition from her special mothers to us. Obviously it all worked out, thank God.

Read all about our 2nd journey here.

I'm so glad that I documented the 2nd trip, because truth be told, I don't remember it as well as the 1st trip. Maybe it has to do with the excitement I was feeling, my (lack of) sleep, the fact that we didn't have as busy an itinerary as the 1st trip, or just that one day seemed to flow into another.

The only other day that I vividly remember is Embassy day. How could I not? That was the day that the U.S recognized our adoption and said that she was officially our daughter!

Read all about our Embassy day here.

I was just telling Eva yesterday how wonderful she did on the flight from Ethiopia to D.C. So mellow. NO crying or very patient.  And she actually slept for the first 6-7 hours of the flight (It's a 13 hour flight)!

What a joyous and blessed year this has been with Eva. Every day I strive to be a better mom and learn from my mistakes. I'm so grateful to God that Eva is patient with me. She's teaching me as much as I'm teaching her. I pray that as each day passes, our bond and love to and for each other gets stronger and stronger. She's one of the best people to come into my life. God's design for our family was always!

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