This year Eva has really gotten the concept of wearing a costume, trick-or-treat, and candy :-) And she absolutely LOVES the Zoo. This was truly the best of both worlds for her! We spent almost 3 hours there, checking out the animals and trick-or-treating at all the different vendors. For dinner that night, we went to our favorite Ethiopian restaurant for dinner.
The morning of Halloween, Eva had dance class so she got to wear her costume again. She absolutely loved her giraffe costume. She had her 30-minute dance class with all of her friends and at the end the whole class took a photo op. Fun!!!!
That evening started with one of two Trick-or-Treat events. The first one was at an event called Boo on Broadway. It was held in our town. A few streets were blocked off and small business vendors as well as businesses on the street passed out candy and treats to all the little ones. It was cold and rainy but Eva had a good time. There's something to be said for getting there right when an event starts. We hit every vendor and small business there was and in an hour we were back home!
After we got home and warmed up for a couple of minutes, we were back out trick-or-treating in our own neighborhood. We only visited about 8 or 9 of our neighbors. Eva was totally at ease knocking on a door, saying "trick-or-treat", saying "thank you", and then moving on to the next neighbor. By this time, it was totally dark outside and very cold.
We were back at home inside of 45 minutes and Eva had acquired enough candy to last her the next 6 to 8 months. Wow!!
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