Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Got Shoes?

Up until this point, Eva only had about 2 pairs of shoes, both of which are WAY to big for her to wear right now. She's been walking around the house in slippers, and the weather has been so cold and yucky for so long, that it didn't dawn on me that she would need shoes this soon. As each day has gone by, she's been motoring along faster and faster. And while she still wants to be held a lot, she is ready to see what the world has to offer her....way down there! :-) So off I went to a really great second-hand store that sells baby/kids everything with items that have either never been used or very rarely used. I went a little beserk but in the end, SHOES!!


  1. She is so precious! I'm a sucker for baby shoes too!

  2. Eva is SO ADORABLE!!! I remember on our first trip to Ethiopia in Dec, Eva loved playing with the shoes. She kept pulling them out of the shoe bin under the changing table, and Beti kept putting them back. So fun!
