And she has officially been home with us now for 3 months.
Fast forward 3 months: Eva is now in her own room, sleeping wonderfully through the night and has been doing so for 11 weeks. She now sleeps 10-12 hours a night. She's tall enough now to just be able to reach whatever is on our night stand or end tables so we are having to move some things to higher ground! Eva now motors around the house at a fast pace, but is not quite running yet. I know that day is coming soon though. We have added 2 more teeth (on the top) and I think she's cutting 2 more teeth but I can't be for sure. And while there is still a lot of babbling, she is definitely throwing some real words into the mix.
Of course, everything for the most part is still "da-da" but here's her vocabulary so far:
"bubba" = bubbles
"dawh" = dog
"ba-ba" = bottle
"hey-yo" = hello
"tee" = teeth
"noo" = nose"
"beh" = belly
"bay-bay" = baby
She waves hello and goodbye, blows kisses, gives kisses and squeezes (hugs), complete with a little grunt as she's hugging. There are so many words and phrases that she understands and responds to, it's so amazing! I feel so blessed to be able to witness all of this!
We've also had a sort of graduation of our own. Eva's has graduated from this:
to this:
It's so awesome to see and experience how much she's grown and progressed since she's been home with us. The eating experience is still wonderful. We feel so blessed that she's not a picky eater because, as most of you know, we love to eat and love to try new food. Every day with Eva is such a blessing. Of course there are those days, moments when I want to have a meltdown or get tired of saying the same thing for the 50th time, but those times are by far outweighed by the joy I have when I see Eva smile and hear her laugh, that deep belly laugh. All I can do is thank and praise God for all that He's done.
We are so happy for your family. Eva is beautiful. Enjoy every minute. Hugs. - The Linse Family.