Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Even though John is the father to 3 adult children and grandfather to 3 little girls, admittedly this Father's Day is different, special. We have our own little girl. After being a family of 2 for the last 7 1/2 years, we are now a family of 3. I know how John is about receiving gifts from his children and I wanted to make sure that this first Father's Day with Eva was very special and memorable for him. About 2 weeks ago, I had some portraits done of Eva. They came out amazing and I purchased some frames to put them in.

As usual, Sunday is a long work day for John and Father's Day was no exception. He was up and out the door while Eva and I were still asleep and I knew he wouldn't be home until after she had gone to bed for the night. I already had an idea of what I wanted to do for John that would involve Eva's participation. So after breakfast, we got to work. Here is the artist at work:

We made 3 separate art projects.

Her cute little hands.


Brush painting

They took the majority of the day to dry and this is what it looked like when I finished putting it all together:

After Eva's nap and an early dinner, we packed some dinner and Eva's gift for John and went to surprise him at his special duty job. Boy, was he surprised!! He was so excited to see his baby girl come walking in carrying his gift and handing it to him. That was it for him, just seeing her toddle over to him made his day...he didn't even have to open his gift at that point! But he did....

He was so happy and so uplifted that he said he could actually BLOG!! He also got a special visit from his oldest son which really put him over the top. Later that night, when he got home, I gave him the gifts from me.

As you can see he was so totally excited & loved his gifts. Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband. Love you Baby


  1. Great artwork! Great photos!

  2. This is the sweetest thing! Great job Shannon :)

  3. I love his expression!!!! Great job mommy and daughter :)
