Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Letter to Our Little Girl

Dear Eva,

Today you turned 20 months old, and you've been home with us for 7 months! What a joy it's been getting to know you these past several months. When we first brought you home, you were just barely walking. You would take a couple of steps and fall down. You had no climbing abilities and you only had 4 teeth.

When I look at you today, you have a total of 10 teeth with 2 more coming in as I type this, you're running through the house, holding your own with 2 springer spaniels who are trying to lick your face off, climbing the stairs, and finally able to eat the one fruit that you've been able to say for a couple of months now....apple.

There is so much that I've watched you learn these last 7 months that I am sometimes in awe. You are so smart and all you have to do is see me or your dad do something once and you've got it down. You love bananas. You love to take baths. You absolutely love music and you love to dance just as much. You love to color and read books, so much so that we can't go anywhere without having a few of your books with us to keep you entertained. Your favorite shows are Oswald, Little Bear, and Dora the Explorer.

You've gone from not knowing or understanding any English to being able to understand whatever instructions I give you. Your vocabulary is well over 100 words and just the other day you started saying 'band-aid', 'teacher', 'doctor', 'boo-boo' (as in being hurt), 'work' and so many more.

I am so blessed to be your mom. There is no greater joy than rocking you at night and then seeing your shining face in the morning. You are so beautiful inside and out. I have loved watching your personality flourish. You are such a sweet girl. Being a stay-at-home mom has been one of the happiest times of my life.

Our prayer for you is that you grow up loving life, loving who you are in Christ, and being happy in whatever it is that you decide to pursue. Our hope is that you become an independent, open-minded, and compassionate young lady who strives to be a positive influence in your community.

We love you very much and always will. You are our heart and joy. You are such a blessing in our lives!

Love, Daddy & Mama

1 comment:

  1. This has me in tears!! So sweet. It makes me want to get our girls home RIGHT NOW even more, if that's possible!
