Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One Year on the Waitlist

Today, March 19, 2013, marks exactly ONE year that our family has been on the waitlist for our 2nd daughter. When we got on the waitlist, we started at #139. Admittedly it was high, but not as high as we thought. Some months there was rapid movement. And more recently, in the last 2 to 3 months, movement has been very slow.

I'm not one to post our waitlist number every month. I just don't feel a need to. Honestly, half the time I can't remember it anyway....you'll find that out if we're face to face and you ask :-) But the other reason is that life in the Mancini household has just been very busy for the past year - maybe THAT'S why I can't remember :-) And we're expecting this next year of waiting to be equally busy. We've got a lot of positive changes getting ready to happen for our family and we're very excited about it.

Right now we are #87 on the waitlist. We won't get our new number until the end of the month. If you're curious about how we've progressed or want to keep current on our new numbers, check out our timeline.

We are thanking God for movement every month because we know that He is divinely ordering the meeting of our 2nd baby girl :-)

1 comment:

  1. We started the waitlist at #139 as well, for a baby girl, but in November, just 4 months ago.

    Congrats on your 1 year! I am praying so hard that referrals come flooding!

