Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Day

This isn't the Halloween Day that happened yesterday. This happened at my school last Thursday, the 28th. It was also our Trick-or-Treat night. I had been debating on what I was going to dress up as for Halloween. I'm not one to dress up and do all of that. Didn't do it last year either. But I really wanted to relish these kinds of moments because I knew it would be the last Halloween with my kiddos.

I looked online everywhere, trying to find something that was reasonably priced because John and I are on a Financial Peace Budget, obeying the word of God and sticking to it. At work 10 days ago, I mentioned all this to my co-teacher. I told her I wanted us to do something together. She agreed and already had these costumes (in storage) ready for us to wear.

This was the only day where the kids did not have to call us Mrs. Heather and Mrs. Shannon. Take a guess....Here's 2 clues: 1) Dr. Suess 2) Cat in the Hat

Figure it out yet?

We were SO being in our PJs all day!

It was around 50 degrees outside, but I gotta tell you, we were feeling no pain :-)


  1. Ya'll are so cute!! LOVE the costumes!! Very creative and FUN! :)

  2. super cute!!!! and yes, super comfy!!!!!

  3. LOVE those costumes--that's really fun! :)
