Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Eva's 1st Family Vacation - Day 3

Day 3 - July 16, 2011
Our 1st full day at sea.

The last couple of weeks Eva has been waking up between 7 and 7:30 instead of her usual 8:00. I thought that with us being in a stateroom with no windows and pitch black, that she would sleep later or sleep until we woke her up. Nope.....up at 7:30! Up we all were, got dressed and headed to the buffet for breakfast. It was a gorgeous day at sea so we walked around a little while and found some other fun places and stores that we missed the day before.

We took Eva to the kid's pool and she had such a blast. After splashing around for almost an hour, we got some lunch and laid down for Eva's nap. We had to be good and rested 'cause it's Formal night. This was the evening we were waiting for because we knew we were gonna have lots of portraits taken. All dressed up, we made our way to the photo studios. There were 5 different backgrounds. We were able to get a slew of portraits taken at each station and still be done in under 20 minutes. It pays to get there early!!

After photos we went to the Aqua restaurant (Dining room) and had dinner.

It was still early yet so after dinner we went to the Stardust Theater and saw a show. Eva LOVED all the singing and dancing. In fact, she was dancing around so much that she tired herself out and started crawling around. I wanted to take pics but flash photography was forbidden due to the cast members. Believe me when I say that Eva stole the show in her own little corner We only made it halfway through the show when Eva decided she was done performing. And 45 minutes later she was sound asleep.

What a fun day!!

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